Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sky High Cub Scout Popcorn Sales Awards

Nathan sold $1750.00 in Scout Popcorn sales this year! (Thank You to those who bought from him!) So besides money to go to Cub Camp which was the main reason for selling, he also got a Lego set, a Multi Tool hatchet/pocket knife a gift card and a party at Sky High Trampoline Center for selling so much! My tablet doesn't do motion well so these are all action shots!
Nathan was #1 seller for our Stake, our area the Third place got $1950.00 and the First Place sold $4000.00, and the number one seller in the District sold $6000.00 CoughHighSchoolBoyScoutCough so it was quite intense competition. I'm quite proud of Nathan!

He's the King!

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