Sunday, August 4, 2019

Ben's High Adventure: Mt. Whitney

For the Older Young Mens weeklong campout the Young Men's leader Dave Whitworth wanted them to do something hard so they hike/camped up Mt. Whitney which is supposed to be the highest mountain in the 48 states I believe.
Ben is the 2nd on the right with a black shirt, strawlike hat, green backpack and blue pad for reference in future photos.

They camped out Saturday and Sunday at the base and then hiked Monday through Friday.

Heres an itinerary Dave (YM leader) posted, it was a total of 51 miles!

Monday (July 29)
Our hike began on the Cottonwood Lakes Trail.  We hiked 12 miles over New Army Pass to upper Soldier Lake.  This was the hardest day. 
Tuesday (July 30)
Hiked past beautiful lakes and streams along Rock Creek ultimately camping at Guyo Creek just before the Guyo Pass.
Wednesday (July 31)
Over two mountain passes along the John Muir Trail to Crabtree Meadows.  Three stream crossings.  Dalin caught two fish.  Final destination was Guitar Lake where nearly everyone took the plunge in the icy cold lake water. 
Thursday (August 1)
Ascended 3000 feet over 4 miles up the Western side to reach the summit of Mt Whitney.  Then down the Eastern side to Trail Camp.  The lake at Trail Camp froze over that night but I heard no complaints.  These YM are now true mountain men.
Friday (August 2)
Hiked out to Whitney Portal.  These guys finished the 6 miles in 3.5 hours (amazingly strong YM).  Capped off with delicious hamburgers from the Whitney Portal Store. 

This is his Young Mens leader and son

Happy to be back at the van! Theres a video I couldn't post of one of the boys hugging the van!

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