Sunday, July 5, 2015

Ben and Nathans Excellent Movie Adventures: ET

Monday we went to pick up Charlotte from the airport and on the way we stopped in Porter Ranch in the neighborhoods where the movie ET was filmed. The first 3 pictures is where Elliot, Gertie and ET went trick or Treating.

This is where Gertie was waiting for the other kids, a website says that the chain link fence was replaced with this metal one.
This is the backdrop that Spielberg used for the bike flight scenes.
This is where the bus stop scene was shot.
These pictures are a few places where the shot the police/bike chase.
This Park is Porter Ridge Park (ET park by the locals) is where Elliots friends met up with him and started the chase. The caterpillar is still around.

This next street was where all of the boys rode down the street at took off into the air.

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