Ben recieved Lord Garmadon's Fortress for Lego Ninjago.

Nathan recieved Sensei Wu's Dojo.

They both recieve Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure which puts your action figures into a video game when you place it on a portal of power.

With an extra figure in each stocking.

Ben got Nathan a Thundercats figure.

Nathan got Ben a Lego Hero factory set/figure.

Grandma Sally opening a present.

More Legos

Playing Wii with Dad, I got Super Mario 3DS Land for the Nintendo 3DS and The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword for the Nintendo Wii.

Before Christmas Nathan would go to sleep every night with a Santa hat on, since Christmas he sent a week going to sleep every night with this fleece snow hat and gloves.

Ben's Lord Garmadon's Fortress and Star Wars Lego set from cousin McKay.

Ben's sets along with Nathan's Sensei Wu's Dojo along with Space Shuttle set from cousin McKay

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