The Adventures of Ben and Nathan!
Pictures of and artwork created by Benjamin and Nathan Burrows.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Court of Honor: Bobcat
Ben recieved his Bobcat and geography belt loop awards at the recent Cub Scout Court of Honor.
I had to draw a Bobcat pawprint on his cheek.
Bingo Night 2011
Every year Acacia Elementary holds a Bingo Night Fundraser. Its a great time, this is our third year in a row.
Ben won a Knex building set.
Nathan's favorate part is the treats.
Nathan's Hat
Nathan thought that it would be funny to put his Mom's sock on his head.
Ben & Nathan as Photographers
Nathan's new thing is to steal my camera while I'm not looking and to take pictures, Ben has also started doing this since.
Today was Scout Day at church where all of the scouts dressed in their uniforms.
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