Sunday, June 27, 2010

Beach Day: Zuma

Our Ward (Church) has started a beach day every Thursday. This week was Zuma Beach. The boys had fun running in and out of the waves.

Beach Day: Zuma

Beach Day: Zuma

Lego Day at Toys R Us

Last Weekend Toys R Us had a Lego day. They poured a bunch of Legos on a table where anyone could build whatever they wanted and then take it home.

Travel Town Museum

The boys just love the Train Museum, its the place that they consistently want to visit every time that I ask them where they want to go for an outing.

Watching TV

Riding Bikes Outside

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Birthday Party

One of Nathan's Soccer Teamates had a Birthday party after the final game.

Nathan's Final Soccer Game

Nathan had his final Soccer game and they all got trophies.

Nathan's Graduation

Nathan's Pre-K class had a end of the year celebration, but in reality it was a Graduation with singing and diplomas.

Nathan's Pre-K Graduation

This is Nathan with one of his teachers Mrs Cotty.

Grasshoppers and PJ's

We were waiting at the library for Charlotte to come out and I noticed that we got a little visitor on our windshield. You can't tell from the picture, but he was huge!
Pajama morning. Nathan was resting on Ben.

Nathan's Graduation (Video)

Push play Grandmas!