Friday I toke the boys to the Natural History Muesum. Unfortunatly the Dinosaur section was closed for refurbishment. So we looked at animals and bugs. There was also the big dinosaur exibit in the front entrance still open though.
Both boys went to classmates Birthday party. I happened to have the camera and was able to take two pictures before the batteries died on me. We couldn't leave without mishap ether, on the way out Nathn touched one of the barbques. But he's ok now.
While Ben and I did his class Easter Egg hunt Nathan went over to the park with his friend Dylan under the watch of Dylan's Mom & sisters. They hit balls.
Ben has been saying that he wants to be an Astronaut lately, so we went to the library and got some books to help him learn more about being one. We are currently reading a book about NASA.
While we were looking for Space books we found these Spiderman colections of comics from the 70's. Ben loves Spiderman.
Charlotte told me that she would not let the boys have toy guns in the house. So I bought guns for the boys to play with outside. We had fun shooting each other with knock off Nerf guns at the park after Bens Pre-K class.
So called experts say that you should read to your children a few levels up to promote good reading skills. So I read to Ben The Wizard of Oz, Beezus & Ramona and we are currently reading Treasure Island. Both of us are really enjoying the experience.